How to beat insomnia with a few simple tricks
Certain lifestyle changes can make a big difference to your quality of sleep. Here are a few tips and tricks to beat insomnia:
Maintain Regular Sleep Hours: It can be tempting to sleep late on weekends, especially if you have a poor routine. But it is better to avoid this routine and focus on going to bed and waking up at the same time. Ideally, you should choose a time when you feel exhausted and sleepy.
Focus On Regular Exercise: A moderate to rigorous exercise routine can help you get your sleep cycle on track. For example, a quick 30-minute workout in the morning is a good way to induce sleep. Make sure that you don’t work out rigorously close to your bedtime as it might prevent sleep.
Stop Drinking Caffeine: Try and cut down on caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc. These drinks can interrupt sleep patterns and cause discomfort.
Limit Activities In bed: If you suffer from insomnia, it is best to put your cell phone away at least an hour before sleeping. You should also avoid watching TV, eating, drinking, or reading a book in bed, as these habits can make your symptoms worse.
Reduce Stress: Look up various stress-reducing methods and relaxing therapies to induce sleep and clear your mind. You may also try breathing techniques and meditation to reduce stress.