Home remedy for treating a colicky baby
Babies cry, but colicky babies cry even more! Read on to learn some home remedies for treating a colicky baby.
Every baby cries, but colicky babies cry even more. Parents may be frustrated, but the good news is that colic is only transitory, and you’re not alone. Here are some natural solutions for treating colic in your child.
Hot Bath: A warm bath has been used as a natural cure for colic in babies for millennia. The pain is relieved by bathing in warm water.
Use a Warm Towel: Gas can be relieved with a warm compression towel. Squeeze a towel that has been soaked in warm water and put it over your baby’s tummy or rub it lightly on her stomach.
Body Massage: A body massage is great for soothing and calming a baby. Plus, they also help with digestion. Massage your baby’s abdomen in a clockwise direction using your palms.
Pedaling Exercise: Placing your infant on her back, grab her ankles together and carefully push one leg towards her tummy at a time. Repeat the pedaling activity for a couple of minutes to see if it works.
Make Your Baby Burp: Burping your infant after each feeding is a must. This relieves gas and prevents air from becoming trapped in the baby’s stomach. Place your baby on your shoulder after you’ve fed her. Gently stroke or pat her back while supporting her neck and shoulders until you hear a burp.
Rocking Chair: An angry infant can be calmed and soothed by rocking in your arms or in a rocking chair or by carrying her around in a sling so that you can rock her while standing up.Take note of what soothes your infant (or what doesn’t). This will help you determine the best strategy for providing comfort to your child.