12 Tips to Overcome Shyness
There is nothing wrong with being shy if it does not hold you back from accomplishing things in life. Here are some interesting tips to overcome shyness.
For some people, going out with a couple of friends to a party would be a night well spent, but for others, the idea of it makes them want to hide under a rock. Those who have never experienced shyness probably don’t realize how enervating it can be, particularly in a professional environment. If shyness is what’s stopping you from achieving something, check out some of these tips and tricks to overcome it and become more confident.
Why Do You Feel Shy?
Some people thrive in social situations and interactions, while others feel timid. Why is that? There are a few possible explanations for it, although it is not clear why. For instance, it could be the result of certain personality traits, negative self-image, lack of experience in social situations, or bullying.
Feeling shy from time to time is perfectly natural, but if your shyness has started to constantly bug you and hold you back, there are a few things you can do to overcome it.
Tips to Overcome Shyness
Take Small Steps
Don’t set the bar too high by challenging yourself to meet up to 15 people in a week. Your initial goal should be to have a quick 5-minute chat with someone you don’t know very well. This way, you will be able to boost your confidence and won’t feel socially awkward either.
Focus on the Positives
If you are a shy person, you don’t need to focus all of your energy on contemplating why you are shy. You have got heaps of other strengths and great qualities! Maybe you are a talented artist or a great listener; there are so many things that you should feel proud of.
Don’t Inform Others
There is no need to publicize your shyness by informing others about it. Some people may never even have a chance to notice, while those close to you already know. Don’t worry; it is not as apparent or obvious as you may think.
Figure Out Why
Before you think about overcoming your shyness, you must figure out why you are a shy person in the first place. This way, overcoming shyness will become an easy process. For instance, maybe you feel shy because you are an introvert and feel more comfortable in your own company. Or maybe it is because you have a negative image of yourself.
Don’t Overthink
When you feel shy, it is natural to think that people around you judge you or look at you. But the fact is that people are not even thinking about you at all. Try not to overthink everything and take deep breaths when you start feeling anxious. If you find the situation too stressful, divert your attention to something else.
Change Your Tone
If someone ever talks about your shyness, don’t fret. Keep it cool and respond in a casual way. If it becomes part of a discussion, be lighthearted and stand down. There is no harm in admitting that you are a shy person. You can simply say that you have always been the one quick to blush. It only shows how cool you are to admit it and be brave about it.
Don’t Avoid Social Interactions
We know that social interactions may make you feel nauseous and nervous. But try not to avoid them every time you start to feel uncomfortable. You will eventually become better equipped to deal with them in a way that you start having fun.
Choose Relationships Wisely
The thing about shy people is that they tend to have few friends but very deep connections. This means that you should be very careful about choosing your relationships, including friends and partners. Give time to people who you believe are important. You should focus on being close to warm, responsive, and encouraging people rather than with someone who is merely there to use you for their ulterior motives or personal agendas.
One Bad Time Does Not Define You
Don’t forget to remind yourself that one bad moment does not mean a bad day. Shy people tend to spend most of their time in their heads, which makes it easier to misinterpret experiences and ruin an entire event based on one moment, especially when it was not even a big deal. Don’t let your thoughts cloud your better judgment. Everyone makes a mistake or two, and everyone has a bad moment – that’s what makes us human.
Hold Your Imagination
Shy people have a wild imagination as they tend to think from various angles and aspects. Having a wild imagination may sometimes cause you to feel rejected or disapproved by someone, even when that is not the case. Sincere and genuine people around you love you more than you think. Try to give yourself a break from your imagination and shift your focus to better things, like a hobby.
Create a list of everything that makes you feel nervous or anxious. Write down all your worries and what frightens you the most. Formulate a plan of how you will eliminate these worries in your life and act. Make sure that you include practical tips that would be easy for you to do. Don’t set the bar too high.
One of the best ways to overcome shyness is by practicing how to converse in public. You can do this by looking at yourself in the mirror and pretending to talk to someone. Or you can seek help from a close friend or family member to help you practice your social and interpersonal skills. A little self-help can go a long way.
Shyness can hold you back because shy people tend to avoid speaking up and public gatherings. If you are a shy person, take comfort knowing that you are not alone in this battle. You can overcome shyness with a desire to change and by putting in consistent efforts. It is possible to eventually break through.