How to Cope with Loneliness during the Pandemic

The lockdown due to COVID-19 has trapped us in our homes, away from our loved ones. The lack of physical interaction has led to a lot of people feeling lonely. If you’re one of them, read on to find out how you can cope with loneliness during COVID-19. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has made life quite challenging for everyone. It has restricted people from having face-to-face contact with their loved ones and limited social activities, causing feelings of loneliness. 

It is pretty normal if you’re missing your family, friends, colleagues, or other connections. Don’t blame yourself for these changes or think that you’re alone. Thousands and millions of people around the globe are probably experiencing the same feeling. But, it’s crucial to remind yourself that these changes won’t last forever. 

Anyhow, if you’re feel lonely at the moment, there are a few tips that can help you cope with loneliness during the pandemic.

Stick to a Schedule 

Since most of us are working from home, it can be difficult to maintain the same schedule we had before the pandemic. However, you can start a new schedule to keep you as busy as possible. Making your days feel ‘normal’ by planning tasks for the entire day and stay on track and keep your mind off lonely thoughts. 

Do Something Meaningful 

Feelings of loneliness often stem from a loss of sense of meaning. Every person wants to feel like they belong somewhere and their life has some importance. This is why it is crucial to incorporate meaningful activities into your daily life. Doing so will bestow a sense of purpose and identity upon you. You can sign yourself up as a virtual volunteer or register for an online course to expand your skill set. 

Connect With Friends and Family

The best way to combat loneliness during this period of isolation is to remain connected with your friends, family, and acquaintances. Although you can’t meet your friends and family in person, you can connect with them virtually. Thanks to technology, there are numerous ways, such as phone calls, video calls, social media, and texting, you can stay connected with your loved ones. If you aren’t too comfortable with technology, you can resort to other traditional options such as handwritten letters or postcards. 

Join an Online Community

Apart from keeping in touch with friends and family, you can also use technology to have conversations with people around the world. These online exchanges don’t necessarily have to be with your online friends, but they can be with those who you share something in common with, such as an online community. You can join different Facebook Groups, register yourself on different online forums, and even sign up for fun games to play with others. 

Find Sources of Comfort 

Sometimes, you have to take care of yourself when there’s no one to care for you. Being apart from your family and friends can be pretty difficult but it is also a good opportunity for you to learn how to comfort yourself. You can take a few measures to improve your mental health. For instance, you can get a pet, cook comfort food, take a warm bath, watch your favourite show, or get enough rest. 

Hopefully, the tips mentioned above will help you cope with loneliness during the pandemic. However, if you still feel very lonely or experience any other mental health issues, it’s best to reach out to a professional.


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